"Those born with a talent which is MEANT TO BE USED, find their GREATEST, JOY, IN USING IT!”


Sports & Performance Services

Dr. Kate Hays defines performance psychology as the “application of psychological principles to enhance performance and well-being in high-stakes environments, such as sports, performing arts, and corporate settings.”  Sport and Performance Psychology emphasize optimizing mental skills, resilience, and focus to achieve excellence while maintaining overall psychological health.

As a Clinician and Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC), my goal is to utilize specialized techniques and interventions in the field of mental health, which support and optimize the performance of a client and address the client's particular challenges and mental blocks. Whether the client works as a professional athlete, is a professional performer, operates in corporate or other  leadership roles, serves in the military, or does something else altogether, any of these clients could benefit from a holistic approach that bridges the gaps between both the fields of Sport and Performance Psychology and Clinical Psychology, underscoring the universality of psychological skills and their adaptability to various performance settings.

Dr. Davis addresses her work through a holistic approach by strongly supporting the belief that mental focus, preparation, and concentration, in partnership with related physical skill and talent are integral components of success in any performance!

  • Mind/Body Connection

  • Managing Performance Anxiety in High-Pressure Context

  • Individual and Team Consultation

  • Motivation, Focus and Concentration/Readiness for Play

  • Transition and Adjustment (i.e injury and retirement)

  • Anger-Management

  • Perfectionism and Performance

  • Intensity Management / Arousal Regulation

  • Sports Injury, Rehab & Burnout Concerns

  • Goal Setting and Mental Toughness

  • Clinical Issues Affecting Performance

  • Identity development concerns and intersections of athletic identity, culture, gender, etc.

Sports & Performance Services

  • Workshops and Consultation Service Provision for all athletic related staff (i.e. coaches, athletic trainers, physicians/sports physicians, sports nutritionists, parents, athletic administrators, etc.)

  • Education and Training regarding Sports and Performance Psychology, Mental Fitness and Skill development, Mental Toughness, Enhancing Performance, and other related topics

  • Understanding the role of Sports Psychology and the collaborative relationship between Sports Medicine, Injury, and Rehabilitation

Training Workshops

“Your mind will be like it's habitual thoughts, for the soul becomes dyed with the color of it's thoughts.”

-Marcus Aurelius